A gift overdue(words of Gratitude)

Nabeel Shahzad
1 min readMay 8, 2021

I’m Nabeel Shahzad and studied Engineering at the University of Gujrat and I’m extremely thankful for all my success to you as a Mentor, teacher, and friend.

Dear sir,

I hope you’re doing well! The university year is finishing up and I wanted to write you to thank you for everything you have done for me. I really enjoyed your class and learned so much from it. I was so excited to have you as a teacher and cannot thank you enough for your mentorship.

As you know, this past year was difficult for me for a lot of reasons. Having your encouragement and support even when I wanted to give up was invaluable. I would not be where I am today without your help, and because of you, I’ve learned more about where I want to go in my career and I will always have you to thank for it.

Thank you again

All the very best

